The Only Thing That Can Illuminate Light into the Darkness is Love

The Only Thing That Can Illuminate Light into the Darkness is Love

By Lisa Rasmussen MFA

San Francisco Bay Area, Jewelry Artist, Billy Zeemann has created for Hillary Clinton, a talisman that invokes the spirit of her campaign… love and kindness. Yes, that is right humanity, an object that radiates love and kindness. Through out time talismans, (an amulet or charm) are thought to have a remarkable or powerful influence on human feelings or actions, and to possess an element of magic and bring good luck to the wearer.

image_1024x1024Right now we all could use a little love and magic. Right?

Everyday that I open Facebook or read the news on Huffington post it is beyond troubling. Most of us are overwhelmed with the current state of the world, and with the negativity and polarization that has been generated from this 2016 Presidential Campaign. It all seems to bring out the underbelly of humanity! The question, that keeps on coming up for me is how can we be empowered to stop it, this destructive negativity? My answer to that is Love! It sounds cliche, yes it is one of the Golden Rules, but we all know that the only thing that can shine light into the dark is love! Fierce love and fierce compassion needs to be the new dream and the new way.



I was so jazzed when I saw Billy Zeemann’s pendant for me emanates the “strength” of love and kindness. It radiates the empowering aspects of the feminine. It is a gorgeous piece that reawakens Art and its transformative processes. Art at is its core is the harmonization of polarities, which create within oneself (the wearer, the viewer, the creator) fresh perspectives, harmony, and healing. Like all of Billy’s work it emits and integrates the power of art, beauty, empowerment, nourishment, and compassion.

Truly, the Hillary pendant reflects the hopeful first woman President of the United States, world view as she states, “We need a great renaissance of caring in this country. We need a new politics of meaning, we need a new ethos of individual responsibility and caring… a society that fills us up again and makes us feel that we are part of something bigger than ourselves.”“I am talking about love and kindness.” ~ Hillary Clinton

It is all call to action. It is call to change the conversation. Billy Zeemann’s pendant which was inspired and gifted to Hillary Clinton is the embodiment of the field of “love and kindness.


“While creating this pendant for Hillary, with the vision from her long time friend, I infused it with so much love and good intention! In my work I come from a place of authenticity, and hope my creations bring the wearer comfort and connection. Be that to each other, (jewelry has long been given as a way of expressing love), or to symbolize something that is meaningful to the wearer. With this pendant, I felt I was able to create something that evokes gentleness and strength, providing I hope, a quiet moment of introspection in the rampant noise that has permeated this current national debate. Also, as a woman, an entrepreneur, and immigrant, I wanted to acknowledge Hillary’s strengths and qualities that are sorely needed in politics. Perhaps having some feminine energy in the White House would allow us to consider a world where love and kindness, coupled with strength, wisdom and courage could be our dominant paradigm. Not fear, intolerance and destruction. My hope is my pendant will inspire conversation between people and connection at a deeper level between in all Americans. And that love and kindness will prevail.” ~ Billy Zeemann

If you believe in change and want to be part of the solution. Support Hillary and the love and kindness movement. If you are called to action, wear this talisman with great pride and be empowered to fight the good fight.


Contact Billy directly at Website: to acquire this inspiring pendant. A percentage of the profits of the sale of this pendant will go to support Hillary’s campaign.






IMG_1183About the author Lisa Rasmussen MFA is Professional Artist, Transformative Arts Educator and Advocate, Creativity Coach, Consultant. Co-Founder and Director at Art 4 All People LLC, Co-Founding Director of Non-Profit Art is Moving and International Art Break Day. Lisa Celebrates the Transformative and Healing power of Art within all people. Through, Individual and Communal Engagement, Connection, and Empowerment through the Arts.

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