Gali’s Carpe Diem List

Gali , who was a “Ghost Writer,” is an old neighbor, who we connected with when we first moved from Berkeley to Santa Monica. I asked him his Carpe Diem List and here is what he said.Downtown Santa Monica farmer’s market

  1. Downtown flower mart (amazing deals)
  2. Hammer Museum lecture series/art nights. FYI Free always (General Admission)
  3. Zocolo Town Square events/lectures
  4. Musha restaurant, 5th and Wilshire
  5. Sunset Junction (summer street party)
  6. Lotus Festival, Echo park (August?)
  7. Fall outdoor Greek dramas at the amphitheater at the Getty Villa
  8. BEST: Summer night concerts at the Hollywood Bowl
  9. Outdoor films on the lawn at Hollywood Forever Cemetery
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